Mistruths about Invisalign explored
When you are looking to begin any kind of treatment, you will probably go to the internet and skim through articles and even go onto message boards and forums to see if this treatment is right for you. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of adult dental patients seeking orthodontic care and thereby an explosion in online forums talking about invisible aligners.

While the majority of those who have used invisible aligners on these forums state that they have been beneficial, there are those few articles and pieces of misinformation online that can deter people from seeking them out as a treatment option.
At Clear Braces Direct, we know all there is to know about invisible aligners, particularly Invisalign London and will always be happy to meet with you or members of your family to answer any questions that you have about the process and, of course, oversee your treatment from start to finish.
What are some of the most common misconceptions that people have about Invisalign London due to mistruths and false articles on the internet? Read on to find out.
It takes too long to straighten teeth
Invisalign London is exceptionally quick at straightening teeth. Consider that when you have a fitted metal brace this can take up to 3 years to straighten your teeth, whereas invisible aligners take between 3 to 7 months on average, depending on how severe the misalignment you are having treated is. Thus, it saves a lot of time and can be undertaken in preparation for an important event like a wedding.
They are not as beneficial as braces
If you have a complex misalignment, then no, invisible aligners are not going to be as efficacious at correcting it as traditional braces would be. However, if our team deems that you are suitable to use invisible aligners due to a mild or moderate case of dental misalignment, then it is likely that you will receive the full benefit from using this tool and will get the straighter smile that you want.
You can’t use aligners if you have an overbite
Like most things in orthodontic care, there are varying levels of condition and if you have a very extreme overbite or one that involves protrusions or issues with the molar teeth, then it’s highly unlikely that our team would recommend that you use invisible aligners. But if you only have a mild overbite, underbite or crossbite, then you may be suitable to use this invisible aligner and should contact our team for an assessment.
It’s very uncomfortable
Compared to traditional braces which require tightening and straightening, invisible aligners are not considered by many to be uncomfortable. This is because they gently push your teeth into the required location rather than pulling them, thus making the process more gradual and more comfortable overall. If you feel that you are noticing excessive levels of discomfort whilst using invisible aligners, feel free to contact our team.
You can get the same results with at-home aligner kits
No you can’t, as an at-home aligner kit will usually require you to take a mould of your teeth yourself, which increases the rate of error. If you want to have your teeth straightened using aligners, you should always seek the advice of a trained team like ours at Clear Braces Direct.